Learn to WRITE, PUBLISH & MARKET YOUR OWN BOOK for Less Than the Price of a Cup of Coffee Per Week!

You're here because you want to write, publish, or market a book. But there are likely many questions and uncertainties about book writing, book publishing, book marketing... and being an author in general—especially a SUCCESSFUL AUTHOR.

Your greatest challenge is not finding information. It's finding reliable, trustworthy data where your guide is NOT more interested in their own bank account balance with no real interest in you.

Moreover, everywhere you turn, most individuals are not even professional book writers but rather skilled marketers who are out to get your money by telling you exactly what you want to hear. Some of the buzzwords they chime all the time are:

  • Fast
  • Easy
  • Risk-free
  • Make lots of money without lifting a finger...

...and other tempting promises they cannot keep, even with their money-back guarantees. Why?

Because these types of marketing promises DO NOT EXIST IN THE REAL WORLD of business and entrepreneurship.

And if you want to be an author and sell books, you are most certainly an entrepreneur in business for yourself.

The hard part is getting the right guidance. There is a lot of wrong information and "almost right" data that only leads us down one rabbit hole after another.

A Special Place

AUTHOR UTOPIA is a special place. It's special because no one has ever created something quite like it.

Author Utopia is a place where you and other aspiring authors come to learn the successful actions of all aspects of writing, publishing and marketing books, being in business for yourself from the position of a published author, and anything quite frankly that you might want to learn with regard to entrepreneurship.

The Synergy of Authorship and Entrepreneurship

Like I said, being an author is being in business for yourself. And if you are an expert of one kind or another, you have to become an author by having an impactful book published.

So, an author needs to become good at the business of books, and an entrepreneur needs to be seen as the best in their field with an excellent book. Either of these two careers will benefit greatly by being a member here.

Another thing that makes Author Utopia so unique is how information is presented to you.

There is nothing worse than experiencing that feeling of overwhelm from being given too much information all at once! This is known widely as "data overload". It becomes counterproductive when you're trying to become good at something.

Too often, information is forced on us in a few weeks, and we are rushed and become stressed over learning how to do something we know we need to master.

In most cases, this approach to learning does NOT work unless the presenter is highly skilled at teaching, which is rare since most experts are good at what THEY do, not at teaching others.

The BEST way to master anything is through a steady drip of information for the greatest assimilation of the data. We learn one thing and then go out and APPLY it. Then we can come back to learn more.

This is what we call balanced learning: the inflow of data and then the outflow of action. We get the physical reality of what we just learned. This is the best way to retain knowledge.

No doubt, more gets accomplished because the information is presented in manageable bites. It's a brilliant way to learn, not to mention the only practical way for busy people like yourself to have the time to learn.

We are really happy you're here and excited for you!

Who is Behind This Approach?

This is all possible because Robert Nahas, long-time professional ghost writer and founder/CEO of Writer Services, LLC - https://WriterServices.net - is sharing his vast knowledge of books, publishing, business savvy, and authorship know-how right here at Author Utopia.

We are continually adding new information; including much information requested by our members.

This is an exclusive club of passionate people who want to write, publish and market their books and make a big success of things. You may aspire to be a serial writer who becomes a well-known author. You might be an entrepreneur who wants to position yourself as the best in your niche.

Whichever it is, you have a place to come to regularly to learn, become inspired, and achieve greatness.

What you won't find is unrealistic claims on how to succeed but rather the truth of what it takes to really be successful. So, no fluff or misguided promises that would otherwise trip you up with wrong expectations and false failure (thinking you're not doing well when in fact you are).

If you're willing to work hard at what you love and are determined to get your book written, published and possibly even becoming a bestseller, then THIS IS THE PLACE FOR YOU!

If you're looking to expand beyond a book into offering educational programs, courses and other information products, you will be able to have access to this kind of training as well.

Short and Sweet Information Delivery

To top things off, everything is designed to educate and empower you within the shortest amount of time through Robert's ingenious Quick-Start Guide "mini-course" knowledge delivery method.

You are able to get specific information on a particular topic quickly so you can get back to work achieving your important endeavors! Then, you can come back and get more empowerment in the same way, document after document, until you have become masterful with it over time.

And as authorship can take a lifetime to learn everything you need to know, you can keep coming back as you please 24/7 to get more and more empowerment—GET YOUR DAILY DOSE OF AUTHOR INTELLIGENCE!  

If you haven't already, become a member of this exclusive book writing group by signing up today! —Robert Nahas and the Team at Author Utopia


Just click the SIGN UP NOW button above, and you will be taken to our secure registration page where you can sign up and get this and ALL of our training information for FREE!

If you would like to see the quality of our documentation, take a FREE test drive and INSTANTLY become more knowledgeable than most authors on the entire planet!

CLICK THE BOX BELOW to access this Quick-Start Guide:

The Key Initial Steps to Ensuring You Get Your Book Written
The most important thing to do BEFORE you start to write your book is remove the roadblocks that can sabotage your creativity. This means creating an environment that is conducive to book writing. This document reveals the “secrets” to getting books completed most people aren’t aware of.