The Power of Marketing Your Book to Book Clubs

It is totally up to you to market your book and create book sales. However, there are a lot of strategies that can help boost book sales and increase visibility. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by promoting to book clubs and reader groups (we’ll refer to them all as “book clubs”.

a year ago   •   3 min read
Book Marketing

How to Use Videos to Engage Readers as an Author

This is probably the most important thing I can ever get across to you. It is a powerful statement that can make you extremely successful. Simply put, if people don't hear of you or hear from you regularly, they will forget about you and what you're about.

3 years ago   •   16 min read
Author Marketing

Writer’s Block: How to Make Sure You Never Have It

Blaming it on the rain for the inability to write lends absolutely no relief for this dilemma. Coming to understand what Writer’s Block is, and what causes this barrier to writing will.

3 years ago   •   8 min read

The Key Initial Steps to Ensuring You Get Your Book Written

The most important thing to do BEFORE you start to write your book is remove the roadblocks that can sabotage your creativity. This means creating an environment that is conducive to book writing. This document reveals the "secrets" to getting books completed most people aren’t aware of.

3 years ago   •   15 min read

Three Essential Aspects of Authorship

Miss the boat with any one of these and you will have a hard time selling books on a steady, long-term basis. Selling enough books to affect your income and survival will be almost impossible. Building a loyal following of eager readers and book buyers will be extremely difficult.

3 years ago   •   4 min read

Sell a Book on Amazon?

The question of whether you should sell a book on Amazon can be better answered when you have the information you need for making an educated decision. This guide gives you some solid information to consider for making that decision as well as an alternative option that might make sense for you.

4 years ago   •   12 min read
Author Marketing

Identify Your Audience

The most powerful way to address an audience is by letting them know that you get them. You're one of them. You think like them and know how they feel.

4 years ago   •   9 min read
Book Marketing